Home Tips & Tricks

Tips & Tricks

We offer you handy advice on… well, just about anything!

A guide to locking airborne infections out of your life

Masks are only the first step. Here's what else you can do.

5 items to make your next BBQ a breeze

Barbeques are meant to be to be satisfying, not sweaty-crying.

5 eyesight myths that have been clouding our vision

Every culture has its old wives' tales and superstitions, but Asians seem to get a particularly bad rep for making up the most ludicrous, unfounded health beliefs. Don't consume chicken or oranges...

The affordable smart home (I): Foundations

The first of three articles tells you what you should know and have before filling your home with smart devices.

Protecting yourself from new-age cyber crime

Tips and tricks to keep you safe as you shop.

5 ways to impress your family and friends this CNY

Bring atas into your home without breaking your bank.

Reviewing Originalab’s advanced sneakercare

We tried the elusive Singaporean brand midsole marker, paint protector, and water repellent. These are the results.

The uncle/auntie guide to camping out for fireworks

You're in for a long wait. Here's how to get comfortable.

Step out with confidence this rainy season

No brolly? No problem.

4 ways to shop and save on Qoo10

Here's how you use Qoo10 like a boss.