Home Beauty & Wellness Here’s why regular eye check-ups matter

Here’s why regular eye check-ups matter

Have you had a comprehensive eye examination lately?

We’ll make a fuzzy guess that you haven’t, and statistics tell us that we’re most probably right. Research shows that less than half of all Singaporeans get their eyes tested regularly.


Close encounters of the contacts kind

This is especially common for heavy users of contact lenses. Leading manufacturer, Acuvue®, shares that many customers simply top up their contact lens supplies for years using the same prescription, not realizing that the product they’re wearing has long become outdated for their needs.

Even more people are unaware that contact lenses come in all manner of shapes, sizes, thicknesses, and materials. Just like shoes that are too small or too narrow, ill-fitting contact lenses will cause discomfort and reduced performance.

Many have opted not to wear contact lenses at all, believing that it is “just not for them”, while others who choose to bear with the seemingly minor discomfort run the increased risk of eventually developing eye conditions.

The future, however, isn’t dim, and the solution is crystal clear. These problems can be easily avoided, or at least minimised, with regularly scheduled eye checks. When conducted by professionals who are able to advise on differing optical needs, eye checks ensure that you know the most suitable eye products for your individual needs and comfort.


I can see clearly now

In fact, here’s your chance to kick-start the habit! As part of their first-ever Eye Health Day, Acuvue® is offering a full eye health check at a hugely discounted price of S$10 (U.P. up to S$120), exclusively on Qoo10! Simply click on the link above, or visit Acuvue’s official Qoo10 store to purchase the e-voucher. This special price is only available from 19 – 21 October, and includes limited freebies while stocks last, so grab yours today to avoid any disappointment. Be sure to spread the word to your friends too – good things must share!

To find out more about eye health and vision with contact lenses, check out this link.