Home Beauty & Wellness 5 Korean bestsellers on Qoo10 right now

5 Korean bestsellers on Qoo10 right now

South Koreans sure know a good thing or two about marketing themselves. In the last decade, the world has experienced and thoroughly enjoyed numerous facets of Korean culture – food, fashion, beauty, music, dramas… even hairdressing!

It’s no different here in Singapore, and the ubiquity of Korean culture shines brightly on Qoo10 ‘s list of most popular products. Here are five of the most notable Korean products we think you’ll be interested in checking out.

Bibigo kimchi

Bibigo’s bags of sliced kimchi have earned their place as one of the most consistent bestsellers across the entire site. Available in portions from a modest 150 grams to 1 entire kilogram, the kimchi is often described in customer reviews as “fresh and good”, “crunchy” and “not too sour”. Customers are also usually pleasantly surprised by the swift delivery and free gifts that occasionally accompany their purchases.

Jeju wet wipes

What’s so special about wet wipes from Jeju Island? We were curious ourselves too. These wet wipes couldn’t be plainer, and that’s what customers are loving about it! With no alcohol, no unnecessary fragrances, and no chemicals typically found in cleaning products, these wet wipes soaked in purified water are completely safe for babies and the most sensitive of skins to use. In fact, all hazard levels according to the Environmental Working Group (EWG) certification standard are declared to be 0 in Jeju wet wipes. If this is indeed true, then it doesn’t get any safer than this.

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Labnosh porridge

Got a diet plan to stick to? Is your itchy mouth or constantly grumbling stomach (or both) getting in the way of your dieting goals? Labnosh seems confident that they’ve hit on the solution to your problems. Their range of five uniquely flavoured porridges, ranging from sweet to savoury to spicy, promise to satisfy your tastebuds while keeping calorie count low. At 170g and just 85kcal, you may have just found your perfect late-night snack. Many satisfied customers certainly have.

Mediheal face masks

Facial care brand Mediheal has a plethora of face masks. And we aren’t exaggerating by using that word – the listing has 22 types to choose from, each tackling unique facial needs like excess oil, skin cell renewal, uneven skin tone, skin brightening, and much more. Each pack of 10 masks retails at S$5.99, excluding shipping – still cheaper than what you’ll find at retail stores. 1,700 customer reviews and counting can’t be wrong!

Nintendo Switch games

Okay okay, not quite a Korean product. However, our Korean merchants have proven time and again to have the lowest Nintendo Switch prices, whether for the console or its games. The small catch is that you’ll have to wait for shipping, listed as approximately 3-5 business days. Also be sure to double check that the game copy you’re buying has English language as an option!